“Being successful involves knowing the latest trends and choreographing an intricate supply chain.”

Wing – Director Operations
Medical import & export business

“Being successful involves knowing the latest trends and choreographing an intricate supply chain.”

Wing – Director Operations
Medical import & export business

The journey to supply chain control

In-time import and export worldwide. Wing is director operations within a successful business importing medical supplies for wholesale to hospitals and healthcare providers, and, in some cases, to consumer retail channels. Once in the Netherlands, the medical supplies are repacked for export to the rest of Europe and the US. For Wing, being successful involves choreographing an intricate supply chain so that she can respond quickly to fluctuating demands.

With the Caroz control tower solution, our supply chain metrics tell Wing that her logistics are in good hands, leaving her to focus on meeting her delivery promises to her clients.

Here’s how Caroz can help you through the journey to control:

Having the right information at the right place at the right time. Our Caroz Enterprise Portal ensures each link in your supply chain has the right information to make the best decisions and avoid supply chain disruption.
The Caroz control tower uses enhanced visualisation technologies and connectivity platforms to drive supply chain performance. This enables autonomous decision-making and real-time issue and exception resolution across multiple parties.
The Caroz control tower creates the right environment for long-term relationships. Empowering high-level collaboration across the chain, our control tower supports easy and to-the-point communication channels so the right people get the right information to make the right decisions.
Each area within a supply chain typically has its own KPIs for supply chain management. Often, these measures are not aligned to what should be the main goal: adding value for the customer. Caroz control tower metrics provide an overview of each process in the logistics chain. Combining near real-time information from the Caroz Enterprise Portal plus the neutral view of our supply chain experts, we connect the dots in your supply chain.
With integration complete, you can put an aligned control mechanism in place. Key performance indicators for supply chain management cover customer needs and the tactical and operational performance metrics required to deliver them. The MyKPI functionality in the Caroz Enterprise Portal supports performance measurement and performance improvement based on data taken from across the supply chain.

The Caroz control tower gives every company within a supply chain the tools it needs to create agile, sustainable, and resilient global logistics. Increasing your control over your supply chain increases your opportunities to boost the performance of not only your own organisation, but that of your entire supply chain as well. This adds value for every link in the network and delivers the ultimate goal: creating added value.

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