De huidige geopolitieke situatie, de macro-economische onzekerheid en de recordinflatie in Europa hebben ernstige gevolgen voor de vervoerssector. De afgelopen twee jaar hebben we een enorme onevenwichtigheid gezien op de Europese markt en in het zeevervoer.
Severe problems have arisen, not only in transport by road, but also in intermodal, short-sea and rail distribution. Shortages, pricing increases and delays are becoming more and more common.
This European Market Update provides background information on the situation and looks forward to what is expected to come. We are acutely aware of the impact the current situation is having on our customers and strive to ease the burden of the issues they are experiencing. Our operators are flexible and always looking for ways to reduce uncertainties.
Want to know more?
Each monthly update we will highlight the developments within the Ocean freight market including the following topics:
- THE European Transport market outlined
- European road transportation experiences multiple difficulties
- European road freight market projected to grow by 4.9% in 2022
- Short-sea transport issues
- EU mobility package is affecting intermodal solutions
- Conclusion
- What will be next?